Vehicle garage
What is the Leebmann24 vehicle garage?
Our vehicle garage offers you the possibility to store your vehicle(s) based on the chassis number or the type key.
This service is available for guests as well as for registered users. Please note that the vehicles only remain permanently in the vehicle garage with an existing customer account and only as a registered user certain features such as the revision of the vehicle data or a vehicle name assignment are available.
Why should I use the Leebmann24 vehicle garage?
1. Maximum time saving:You do not have to enter the chassis number individually for each desired product. You once take the time to enter your vehicle data and can then go on a shopping tour comfortably.
2. Maximum fitting accuracy:You will only be shown products that are perfectly suitable for your vehicle.
3. Maximum flexibility:You have two or more vehicles? No problem! Our vehicle garage allows you to easily change between parked vehicles.
How do I handle the vehicle garage?
Step 1:You can find the vehicle garage under the following icon:

Step 2:Click the "Add vehicle" button to enter the interface.
Step 3:You can now choose how you want to select your vehicle - A) VIN (chassis number) or B) type key. ATTENTION: If possible, please always identify your vehicle by VIN (chassis number). This offers the best possible and safest verification of matching items. After you have entered the VIN, please press the "Save" button and your first vehicle has been parked in the garage.
You can find the VIN (chassis number) of your BMW / MINI or BMW motorcycle either A) in the vehicle registration document (registration certificate part I in field E), B) in the vehicle registration document (registration certificate part II under point number 4) or C) on the body.
Enclosed is a list for all three brands, if you want to read the VIN directly off your vehicle:

BMW: On BMW models you can find the chassis number either on the windshield, on the right side of the B-pillar or in the engine compartment on the front right side by the shock absorber.

MINI: On MINI models you can find the chassis number either on the windshield, on the right side of the B-pillar or in the engine compartment in front on the right side by the shock absorber.

BMW Motorrad: On BMW Motorrad models you can find the chassis number on the front wheel in the fork area between the upper and lower triple clamp.

Schritt 4:Step 4: With the button "Add vehicle" you have the possibility to park another vehicle in the garage. Follow the steps 1-3 again.
How can I shop without my parked vehicle?
Don't worry, you don't have to delete your parked vehicle and then add it again. The "Shop without vehicle" button allows you to easily switch.